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‘English for Beginners and Elementary’

Beginner and Elementary Courses Incorporating Art, Literature, Cinema, Music, etc.

‘New Courses for University Students’

‘Free English Course – Only for Racists’

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 English in the Kitchen’

New York English Academy Cooking Classes

Due to popular demand, New York English Academy is currently developing new culinary-based English courses and seminars.

These classes will focus on the terminology of cooking and food preparation, as well as food serving and presentation.

We will learn and practice all aspects of English – vocabulary, grammar, speaking, listening, reading and writing (recipes, menus, etc.) – while actually preparing and serving wonderful international dishes, making these programs ideal for members of the food-service and catering industries, as well as food-lovers in general.

Please stay tuned for more details about upcoming culinary-based courses and seminars!

‘English & Sports’

Corsi Inglese Pisa Lucca York English Academy Sport

New York English Academy, in line with our motto of ‘Learn English through your passions!’, is proud to offer a wide variety of English courses and events focusing on your passion for sports.

To be the first to hear about our new courses and events, please follow us on Facebook or Twitter!

We’re Always Open to New Ideas

In line with our motto of ‘Learn English through your passions!’, we are always looking for new ways to cater to as many interests as possible.

If you have an idea for a new type of course, seminar or workshop, please let us know and we will gladly explore the possibility of bringing it to life.

We are constantly attracting exciting new team members, with a fascinating array of skills and experiences, and we all look forward to developing new and exciting English opportunities for the local community!