
New York English Academy è orgogliosa di annunciare il nuovo “Einstein Culture Club”, dove sarà possibile godersi delle attività culturali, tutte in lingua inglese!

Sull’onda dell’enorme successo del nostro evento (un clamoroso tutto esaurito) ‘Einstein in Tuscany’, che si è svolto al Virgo lo scorso giugno, abbiamo deciso di espandere questo progetto e creare eventi culturali in inglese a cadenza settimanale, come proiezioni di film, reading poetici, lezioni e dibattiti, aperitivi, musica…

Gran parte degli eventi si svolgeranno il venerdì alla sede della New York English Academy, ma quando avremo bisogno di più spazio coinvolgeremo come partner le altre istituzioni culturali della zona – Palazzo Blu, SMS Biblio, Teatro del Giglio, Teatro Lux… – con le quali abbiamo collaborato con soddisfazione reciproca in questi anni.

Following the talks and concerts we will have an ‘English Aperitivo’ during which we can exchange perspectives.

The perfect opportunity for local English learners to practice listening and speaking, and the only opportunity in Pisa for foreigners to meet English-speaking locals as well as fellow travelers and expats.

Friday, December 14, 2018 

Silvia Panichi Book Presentation


(Donzelli 2018)

followed by our our annual


NYEA is honored to welcome art-historian and writer, Silvia Panichi, who will present her new book, ROMA ANTICA E LA NUOVA AMERICA (Donzelli, 2018), which explores the influence of Ancient Roman culture on the early formation of the U.S.

The presentation will be in English and will be followed by an open discussion, also in English.

Following the presentation we will have a Christmas ‘Brindisi’ (toast) with some light refreshments.

This event is free of charge – as a Christmas gift from us to you – but reservations are absolutely necessary! Please reserve by email through info@newyorkenglishacademy.com.


PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to combat some of the comercialization of Christmas, we will not be selling the book at this event; but if you purchase the book elsewhere and bring it with you, we are sure Ms. Panichi will be happy to sign it.

Facebook event HERE!

Following the book presentation, we will have an open Christmas potluck party – also free of charge – where all guests are invited to bring something to eat and drink and enjoy some nice company, Christmas songs and plenty of English conversation before we close for our holiday break.


Hope to see you there!!!


New programs based on Music, Poetry, Book Presentations, Exhibitions, & Much more!

Per essere sempre informati sui nuovi corsi ed eventi, seguiteci su Facebook o Twitter!

Ecco alcuni dei nostri precedenti eventi:

Saturday, October 06, 2018 – A Special Evening of English Poetry with Prof. Anthony L. Johnson (UniPi)

THE ARC OF THE SUN: A Special Evening of English Poetry with Prof. Anthony L. Johnson (UniPi)
The first event of our new 2018/2019 season featuring renowned Prof. Anthony L. Johnson who will delight us with readings of both his own poetry, including selections from his published collections ‘THE ARC OF THE SUN’ and ‘MARIGOLDS, STILTS, SOLITUDES: SELECTED POEMS, 1956-1984’, as well as other famed English poets (T.S. Eliot, W.B. Yeats, Peter Russell) that have most influenced him over the years.


A new festival for courageous dreamers

March 29-April 10, 2018 in Pisa, Florence, Lucca and Livorno!






April 6, 2018, 18:00-20:30 

‘Applying MLK’s Ideas to the Future

Community Brainstorming Session &

Launch of the ‘UTOPIA, ITALY PRIZE’

April 6, 2018, 22:00-08:00 

‘All-Night Binge-Watching Party

Featuring Films, Docs & TV on MLK &

Afro-American Culture

FEBRUARY 2018: 3 Programs in collaboration with

Black History Month Florence

Friday, 02.02.2018:

Free Private Screening, Discussion and Party

Friday, 16.02.2018:

‘Contemporary African Poetry’

Friday Night Reading & English Party

Friday, 23.02.2018:

Friday Night Jazz Concert & English Party
Featuring ‘NOW!’ (Florence)

and The Poetry of Amiri Baraka

(Event on Facebook)

April 20, 2018, 19:00-21:00 

‘The Lost Art of Tuscan Weaving &


Featuring Tuscan Artisan & Intructor

Marco Gentili

Friday, 26.01.2018

A special talk by Prof. Theo Van Boxel 

‘Escher and Graphic Design’

“As Escher once said: ‘If you want to express something impossible, you must keep to certain rules. The element of mystery to which you want to draw attention should be surrounded and veiled by a quite obvious, readily recognizable commonness.’ This true for Escher’s art, but also for all of art.

As a graphic designer it is my job to express the impossible, to transform often abstract concepts into functional communication.

In this lecture I want to explain how Escher’s rules and techniques are present in modern graphic design.
I will illustrate how calligraphy, typography, logo design, layout and interface design are related to Escher’s world.

A calligrapher creates letters and symbols by balancing between space and negative space, a typographer creates patterns of text, a logo designer synthesizes ideas in easy-to-understand symbols, an interface designer creates a virtual reality – all using exactly the same rules and techniques that Escher did.” – Theo Van Boxel

21.01.2018 – Roan Johnson @ Palazzo Blu

Download poster HERE.

 November 10, 2017, 19:00-21:00
William Blake with prof. Shemtov (2/3)

NYEA’S prof. Shemtov led the first-of-three sessions on one of his favorite poets, William Blake. After explaining some of the more challenging vocabulary, he read some of the poems and then invited volunteers to read the others.

October 20, 2017, 19:00-21:00
‘Tuscan Musical Heritage’ with Carlo Ipata 

Flautist, Conductor, Educator and Founder of AUSER MUSICI,  Maestro Carlo Ipata, gave an audio-visual English presentation on the glorious Tuscan Musical Heritage. After years of research on this topic, and having lead endless award-winning productions and recordings of the very compositions in question, Maestro Ipata was the perfect guide to help us discover some of the lesser-known facets of this region’s magical artistic heritage.

October 13, 2017, 19:00-21:00
William Blake with prof. Shemtov (1/3)

NYEA’S prof. Shemtov led the first-of-three sessions on one of his favorite poets, William Blake. After explaining some of the more challenging vocabulary, he read some of the poems and then invited volunteers to read the others.

Il nostro primo evento internazionale è stato un viaggio di gruppo a Londra per un weekend di full-immersion con focus sul Globe Theatre di Shakespeare e lo spettacolo ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream.’


Il nostro secondo evento internazionale è stato un viaggio di gruppo a New York City per 5 giorni di full-immersion: 22-27 Giugnio 2017!


On Saturday, June 10, 2017 we visited the world-famous


For a Special English Tour, Presentation and Lunch – just outside of Pisa!

Una visita alla nuova mostra di Toulouse-Lautrec al Palazzo Blu.

Una visita al Museo Nazionale di San Matteo.

Una visita alle Collezioni Egittologiche dell’Università di Pisa.

Una visita alla Certosa Monumentale di Pisa, seguita da un caffè e un dolce.

Una visita all’Orto Botanico di Pisa.

Una visita alla nuova mostra di Salvador Dalí al Palazzo Blu,

Una visita alla nuova mostra di Ai Wewei al Palazzo Strozzi.

Una visita alla nuova mostra di Bill Viola al Palazzo Strozzi.

Corsi Inglese Pisa Lucca Tuscan English Academy Orto Botanico

Lautrec Palazzo Blu

Corsi di Inglese Pisa Lucca - Tuscan English Academy San matteo TEA Culture Club

Corsi Inglese Pisa Lucca Tuscan English Academy TEA Culture Club


Ulteriori visite e e incontri potranno essere aggiunti su vostra richiesta (con un minimo di 5 partecipanti).
Fateci sapere se potete essere interessati, e noi cercheremo di organizzare altre visite
in accordo ai vostri bisogni.