Art – Cinema – Business – Science – Sports – High School – Kids – Other Tuscan English Academy offers a variety of English courses and programs focusing on the arts and literature and we are currently developing even more
About Us: TUSCAN ENGLISH ACADEMY – Corsi di Inglese Pisa e Lucca
Tuscan English Academy Our motto is ‘Impara l’inglese attraverso le tue passioni’ (‘Learn English through your passions’), since we believe that there is no better way to learn a language than by being genuinely passionate about the materials and activities
‘SMS English Club’: TUSCAN ENGLISH ACADEMY – Corsi di Inglese Pisa e Lucca
SMS Biblio & Tuscan English Academy have teamed up to create the new ‘SMS English Club’ with the intent of providing Pisa’s community with an array of exciting English-based events! The first series of events in April-May 2015 featured readings
On June 8th, at 20:30, TUSCAN ENGLISH ACADEMY and CINEMA ARSENALE / BARSENALE will once again join forces to present a ‘ENGLISH MOVIE HAPPY HOUR’ after the 18:30 English screening of ‘Focus’ – a new romantic crime thriller starring Will
‘English Movie Happy Hour’: TUSCAN ENGLISH ACADEMY – Corsi di Inglese Pisa e Lucca
A new cultural meeting point for Pisa’s English-speaking community. Next ‘English Movie Happy Hour’ will take place in September 2015! Follow us on Facebook or Twitter to receive updates!!! Tuscan English Academy, in line with its philosophy of ‘Impara l’inglese
Il prossimo “English Movie Happy Hour” sarà: il 26.05.2015 alle 20:30 In seguito alla 18:20 proiezione del film ‘INTO THE WOODS’ presso il Cinema Arsenale Segui l’evento su Facebook Un nuovo punto d’incontro culturale per la community pisana che parla